Viking's Story


Viking's Story is an open-source tower-defense inspired by Norse mythology. It is covered under the GNU GPL license and made in It is developed in Python and Pygame. You might want to check News section for recent updates.


Before the Ragnarök, goddess Hel wanted to destroy Midgard so only gods would exist after the New world is created. She envies every human in Midgard and therefore she rose an army of soulless monsters to defeat them. Odin, knowing that, sends his first warrior who ever came to Valhalla. Now, it's only up to him will humans rise from ashes, or turn into it.

Recent news

Big opening

Website is finally open! I've found (after many hours) right colors and layout for website. Well, at least now I know I suck at web design. Next time I'll just download a free template.

July 9 2011 11:39
SourceForge Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional Python Pygame